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  • Chaturanga to Upward facing dog - Transition

    Break down the details of flowing between chaturanga and upward facing dog to find a variation that builds strength and flexibility while avoiding injury. Spend your time on this one as doing this incorrectly is where most beginner injuries occur.

  • Child's pose to tabletop - Transition

    Learn the subtle shifts in your foundations to move with ease between childs pose and tabletop.

  • Downward facing dog step through - Transition

    Take your time getting to know this most commonly used transition. In doing so, you will find a between flow in your practice while building strength and stability.

  • Downward facing dog to plank - Transition

    Break down the subtle adjustments needed to flow smoothly between downward facing dog and plank pose, ensuring you arrive with correct alignment and engagement.

  • Lunge to warrior 2 - Transition

    Learn one of the most commonly used transitions: shifting the feet and importantly the hips seamlessly between high lunge and warrior 2.

  • Sun salutation A - Transition

    Learn how to flow with your breath and with ease in this primary variation of a sun salutation that promises to build heat and open the body.

  • Swan dive - Transition

    Break down the details and variations of a swan dive to ensure you are flowing with your breath, awareness, and safety.

  • Downward facing dog leg raise - Transition

    By starting your yoga practice with the correct leg raise technique, you will avoid dumping weight into your lower back and set yourself up perfectly for the common poses that follow.

  • Sun Salutation B - Transition

    Learn how to flow with your breath and with ease in this second variation of a sun salutation that promises to build heat and strength in the body.

  • Upward facing dog to downward facing dog - Transition

    Learn how to move your body and flow with your breath in one of the most commonly used transitions that promises to open the spine and build strength.

  • Vinyasa - Transition

    Learn how to move your body and flow with your breath in one of the most commonly used - but also commonly incorrect - transitions that promises to strengthen, open and energize the entire body.

  • Warrior 2 to wide front fold - Transition

    Learn how to shift the feet and importantly the pelvis seamlessly from warrior 2 to a wide leg forward fold. Plus you can use this transition to move from any forward facing pose to a side facing pose.

  • Warrior 3 to lunge - Transition

    Learn how to move with a sense of lightness between warrior 3 and high lunge, and how to land with the perfect alignment.

  • Warrior 1 to Warrior 2 - Transition

    It's the subtle transitions that can sometimes be the trickiest to master. Use this video to learn how to transition between two of the core poses - warrior 1 and 2 - along with how to link the movement with breath.