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  • Easy seat - Yogipedia

    Don't let the name fool you! If you're used to sitting in a chair all day, this will be challenging to begin with. Break down the details of easy seat to find a variation that you can hold without pain and distraction.

  • Childs pose - Yogipedia

    Childs pose will be your trusty friend throughout your yoga journey, but particularly as a beginner. It is a pose we use between others as a link, or when needed mid-flow, to pause and regather the breath. Use this video to find a version that helps you to get the most out of that moments rest.

  • Savasana - Yogipedia

    It may not seem like there is much to learn when it comes to laying down, but this video will help to ensure you are truly getting the most out of your relaxation.

  • Cat cow - Yogipedia

    Learn how to flow gently between cat and cow pose to bring flexibility to the spine, massage the organs and find space to breath .

  • Downward facing dog - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of downward facing dog - one of the foundation poses - to find a variation that strengthens, opens and energizes your entire body.

  • Boat pose - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of boat pose to find a variation that strengthens the abdominal muscles and hip flexors, while teaching you to soften against required effort.

  • Bridge pose - Yogipedia

    Learn how to find a version of this versatile backbend that helps you to find space around the heart and spine.

  • Butterfly pose - Yogipedia

    Learn how to use this wonderfully grounding pose to open the hips and groin while releasing any abdominal discomfort.

  • Wind relieving pose - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of the wind relieving pose - one that is safe for everyone - to find a variation that massages the abdominal organs, releasing tension in the belly area and low back.

  • Happy baby - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of happy baby pose to find a variation that relaxes the lower muscle group, stretches the lower spine, hips and hamstrings, while regulating the flow of nutrients in the body.

  • Seated forward fold - Yogipedia

    Learning how to set up your seated forward fold for your unique body will help you to safely open the hamstrings and calm the mind without straining the back.

  • Wide legged forward fold - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of a wide legged forward fold to find a variation that stretches the legs, groin, and hamstrings for a healthy pelvis and lower body.

  • Cobra - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of cobra pose to find a variation that increases the strength and flexibility of the spine, while stretching the chest and opening the lungs, helping to find space to breathe to your full capacity.

  • Upward facing dog - Yogipedia

    As one of the most commonly used yoga poses, it is important to spend time getting to know upward facing dog in all of its detail. Learn how to find a variation that helps you to create glorious space in the chest and abdomen while safely building upper body strength.

  • Plank - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of plank pose to find a variation that strengthens your entire body, safely. You'll notice the associated benefits in other poses like arm balance, plus in your posture.

  • Bow - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of bow pose to find a variation that strengthens your back while opening your shoulders, chest, and abdomen.

  • Lizard - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of the lizard pose to find a variation that stretches and strengthens the hips: an area of the body that is the foundation of so many other yoga poses.

  • Pidgeon pose - Yogipedia

    Learn how to set up and use pigeon pose to release the physical tension of the glutes and the emotional tension we hold in the hips.

  • Mountain - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of mountain pose to find a variation that grounds you to the earth and the present moment while finding focus in the mind and length in the body. You'll use this pose in most yoga classes, either as a starting position, a resting pose, or as a tool to reset posture.

  • Tree pose - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of tree pose to find a variation that grounds you to the earth and the present moment, while helping to increase both physical and mental steadiness.

  • Chair - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of chair pose to find a variation that tones the whole body, particularly the thighs and core, while increasing mobility in the upper back and ankles.

  • Triangle - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of triangle pose to find a variation that engages every part of the body, while strengthening the abdominal muscles and stimulating the abdominal organs: aiding digestion and releasing stress.

  • Standing forward fold - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of a standing forward fold to find a variation that deeply stretches the hamstrings and finds length in the spine, while stimulating the digestive, nervous and endocrine systems.

  • Halfway lift - Yogipedia

    Break down the details of the halfway lift to find a variation that grounds you to the earth and the present moment, while lengthening the spine.